Thursday, March 8, 2012

Life Goes On

Well now that I've caught up ravelry and pinterest about as far as I can, according to my interests and et cetera, I am no longer addicted. That was a short one! Only about three days long each. I suppose once I get interested in a new subject I will once again start pinning things on pinterest, and I need to get some pictures of my past crocheting projects to put on ravelry...but not obsessed with either of them.
And for pete's sake, why did it take me four tries to spell 'obsessed?'
Of course, as soon as I thought about pinterest, my English class next quarter, and my hunger, this led to a half hour hiatus between writing the last paragraph and this one, in which I pored over tasty looking food and pinned it to my board entitled "Succulent Sustenance." I get hungry just thinking about the name of it. And now that I can chew again (crashed on my bike into a parked truck...I'll write an entirely different post about how THAT happened.) I can make myself food that requires food! No longer am I restricted to half a cup of yoghurt!

Currently I am procrastinating homework. Really. I am very much procrastinating it. It is almost the end of the quarter, and I have three papers to re-write for my English portfolio, and a term paper to write for my Humanities class. It really isn't an enormous amount of work, but work it is, and hence I am avoiding it. I am also avoiding emailing the director of the play I am - The Hobbit - to tell them that I cannot make it to any rehearsals (on time) on Wednesdays. Neither can Colin(he is Fili the dwarf), but emailing them is his responsibility.
I, you see, am seizing hold of my ability to not be an interventionist. It's a chronic habit of mine to try to intervene for people in order to make their lives easier. I often do it at peoples' request. But no more! I may have a social worker's or activist's mind set, but I don't have to let it change my life to the stressful side.

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